“Like an Ocean gyre , a vortex of artifacts of a consumption based contemporary society such as; plastic bottles and bags, fishing nets, and helium balloons become en-snarled with driftwood, dead coral, and seaweed creating a grotesques amalgamation of disparate materials which remarkably can still harbor life and be a sculptural framework for life to grow. I aim to develop work that embodies this contemporary conundrum.”[dNASAb]

“Augmented Reality TV Buddha”/”AR.TV Buddha” remix by [dNASAb] “A series of interactive, geospatial, location-based, Augmented Reality sculptures_ an innovative collaborative remix of Nam June Paik’s 1974 “TVBuddha”
Augmented Reality/ 3D/ Neural Radiance Fields / XR experiments
Augmented Reality/ 3D/ Neural Radiance Fields / XR experiments